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  • Isabella Reeves

Lavvy Humour!

Everybody likes something to read on the loo!

‘The Loo’… ‘The Lavvy’… ‘The John’…. ‘The Toilet’…. Or indeed (for the more traditional folk out there) ‘The water closet’…. Just a few of the MANY different names for one of the smallest rooms in our house. The dictionary describes it ‘as a small room used for privately accessing the sanitation fixture’…. I mean it couldn’t get more dull than that… and yet, for some reason, we have always attached a sense of humour to it… Lavvy humour if you will!

The room has always had an element of fun to it… it was once the ultimate ‘Gentleman’s’ domain… a perfect place to house those many School photographs, ‘Loon’ type Cartoons, and the comical books that you are given every Christmas- they sit precariously balanced in a dusty tower, waiting for the next prolonged ‘sitter’. But when I think of those loos- a heavy smell lingers (lets say it’s the damp)- and you start to wonder about the order in which people read said books and washed their hands, not to mention all the business in between.

So I say, keep the humour, but maybe freshen it up as well! Scrap the dusty books and put the humour on the wall- or indeed put the book pages on the wall! It is a chance to really show off your sense of fun and individuality. They are the one room where you can go a bit wacky and experimental- use that amazing wallpaper that you have fallen in love with but fear it might just be ‘too much’. ‘Too much’ is great in this scenario! Your visitors will love it and will leave ‘the John’ with a smile every time! And just to leave you with a smile now… an old fave:

“Churchill was in the lavatory when his secretary knocked on the door and said: Excuse me Prime Minister, but the Lord Privy Seal wishes to speak to you. After a pause Churchill replied: Tell His Lordship: I'm sealed on The Privy and can only deal with one shit at a time”

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